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Action1 5 Documentation 5 Removing Action1

Removing Action1


Removing Action1 agents

For infrastructure where Action1 Deployer (former Endpoint Discovery) was configured
If you need to remove Action1 from selected endpoints only, do the following:

  1. In Action1 console, navigate to Endpoints and select the ones you need.
  2. For each selected endpoint, click Actions or More actions and select Remove Endpoint.
  3. Action1 will automatically uninstall the agent and add the endpoint to the Exclude computers list available in the Agent Deployment page.

NOTE: Action1 Deployer does not process the endpoints listed in the Exclude computers – therefore, to prevent agent re-installation, make sure your target endpoint is in that list.

If you need to remove Action1 from all endpoints and uninstall all agents, do the following:

  1. In Action1 console, navigate to Endpoints and select the ones you need.
  2. For each selected endpoint, click Actions or More actions and select Remove Endpoint.
  3. Wait until Action1 Deployer automatically uninstalls all the agents. Depending on the number of managed endpoints you have, this can take from a few seconds to a few hours. You can monitor the process on the Endpoints page.
  4. Uninstall the Deployer itself. For that:
    1. Locate the Deployer installation folder – depending on the system, this is %ProgramFiles%\Action1\Connector or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Action1\Connector
    2. In this folder, run the following command: action1_connector.exe uninstall

For infrastructure where managed endpoints were added manually

Do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Endpoints page.
  2. Select the required endpoints, click Actions or More actions, and select Remove Endpoint.

Alternatively, you can run the following command on each managed endpoint:
msiexec /uninstall “C:\Windows\Action1\action1_agent.msi” /quiet

Action1 will automatically uninstall the agent and add the endpoint to the Exclude computers list to prevent it from agent re-installation.

NOTE: Action1 Deployer does not process the endpoints listed in the Exclude computers – therefore, to prevent agent re-installation, make sure your target endpoint is in that list.

Removing Action1 tenant account

If you are no longer interested in using Action1 platform, you can initiate your Action1 tenant account closure.

  • For a free subscription:
    1. In Action1 console, open your account settings by clicking on your User profile (displayed as your initials at the top-right corner).
    2. Click Subscription and then click Close account.
  • For a paid subscription: contact your Sales representative.

Your account will be closed automatically after 30 days.