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Homepage 5 API Documentation 5 API Credentials

API Credentials

NOTE: We recommend using PSAction1 PowerShell module for substantially simplified API scripting experience.

API Credentials is a secure way to authenticate your apps and integrations in the Action1 solution. API credentials allow you to log in to Action1 via OAuth 2.0. 

To create a new set of API credentials:

  1. In Action1, navigate to the API Credentials page and select + New.
  2. In the Create new API credentials pop-up, provide a name and define the scope. Just like users, API credentials can be limited to an organization and a certain role.
  3. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret to a secure location. These are basically your login and password. Note, you won't be able to see the secret after closing the pop-up.

For your convenience, Action1 provides a test curl authentication request and a test API call. Feel free to try them out immediately.

Adding new API credentials

To delete API credentials:

  1. In Action1, navigate to the API Credentials page.
  2. Select Actions next to credentials and select Delete.

Note: Once you delete API credentials, your integrations that used this specific pair of client ID and secret will lose access to Action1.