Action1 Expands Free Patch Management to 200 Endpoints!

Now, Autonomous Endpoint Management is free for up to 200 endpoints

Action1 5 Company News 5 Survey: At Least 20% of Enterprise Endpoints Have Legacy Security Vulnerabilities

Survey: At Least 20% of Enterprise Endpoints Have Legacy Security Vulnerabilities

Houston, Texas, March 23, 2023

Action1 Corporation, provider of the #1 risk-based patch management platform designed for work-from-anywhere enterprises, today released its 2023 State of Vulnerability Remediation Report. Based on feedback from 804 IT professionals, the report reveals critical gaps in vulnerability management within organizations, which are being overlooked by executive leadership teams despite high-profile breaches and increased emphasis on cybersecurity from the authorities. These gaps leave organizations vulnerable to cyber threats.

Key findings of the report:

  • Time to combat low cybersecurity awareness among employees has increased over the past year.
  • 10% of organizations suffered a breach over the past 12 months, with 47% of breaches resulting from known security vulnerabilities; phishing was the most common attack vector reported by 49% of respondents; 54% of victims had their data encrypted by ransomware.
  • IT teams rank the lack of support from the executive team for cybersecurity initiatives as the key threat to cyber resilience. Many IT teams also face operational issues that leave no time for cybersecurity.
  • 30% of organizations take more than a month to detect known vulnerabilities.
  • 38% of organizations fail to prioritize security flaws, while 40% take more than a month to remediate known vulnerabilities (of them, 24% take more than 3 months).
  • On average, 20% of endpoints remain continuously unpatched due to laptop shutdowns or update errors.

The gaps in the detection and prioritization stages of vulnerability management suggest the actual proportion of unpatched endpoints could be much higher. Organizations must ensure effective communication on all levels to eliminate these gaps, implement automation, and build cyber resilience. Otherwise, we risk another year of costly breaches.

Alex Vovk, CEO and co-founder of Action1.

Get the complete report here:

About Action1

Action1 reinvents patch management with an infinitely scalable and highly secure platform configurable in 5 minutes that just works. With integrated real-time vulnerability assessment and automated remediation for third-party software and OS, peer-to-peer patch distribution, and IT ecosystem integrations, it ensures continuous patch compliance and reduces ransomware and security risks – all while lowering costs. Action1 is certified for SOC 2/ISO 27001 and is trusted by thousands of enterprises managing millions of endpoints globally. The company was founded by cybersecurity veterans Alex Vovk and Mike Walters, who previously founded Netwrix, which was acquired by TA Associates.

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