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Action1 5 Blog 5 How to Prevent Data Breaches with Help of VNC Tracking

How to Prevent Data Breaches with Help of VNC Tracking

November 30, 2018

By Peter Barnett

Any newly installed software on your company’s workstations can be the first alert indicating a data breach at a very early stage. VNC client is perhaps one of the most widely used programs for remotely accessing a desktop computer over a network. The program is very intuitive and easy to use. The program’s functionality includes its own file manager and mini chat, as well as the program’s functionality, provides an address book to which you can add the most frequently used connections. VNC tracking and proactively blocking all unauthorized installations it is a critical procedure that shall be performed by all departments on an ongoing basis.

Remote access tool are a good way to save time for remote administration and other related tasks. It is well known that such programs are not always used for good. Malefactors apply similar means or their specialized analogs for achievement of the mercenary purposes.

Below there are a ways to get a list of installed software and VNC tracking to avoid unauthorized access.


Option 1: Via Control Panel on a Local Computer:

   1. Open Windows Explorer (Win+E)

   2. Navigate to ‘Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features’ to display the following screen:

Windows Programs and Features

3. Click on ‘Installed On’ column to sort by installed date and have the most recently installed programs pop up on top.

Option 2: Via Wmic Utility on a Remote Computer:

1. Launch PowerShell command prompt (press Win+R, type ‘powershell’, Enter)

2. In the PS command prompt, Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product �Computer computername | Select-Object Name,InstallDate | Sort-Object InstallDate

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