Action1 Expands Free Patch Management to 200 Endpoints!

Now, Autonomous Endpoint Management is free for up to 200 endpoints

Action1 5 Blog 5 Effective Patching Strategies: A Real-Life Example

Effective Patching Strategies: A Real-Life Example

June 3, 2024

By Peter Barnett

Did you know that over 60% of breaches could have been prevented by timely patch management? Patching is more than just an IT routine—it’s a critical strategy for enhancing system security and performance. This article delves into innovative patching approaches and introduces a real-world application with a dedicated Action1 user.

Strategic Patch Management Approaches

While there’s no universal patching strategy that fits all organizations, understanding the nuances can help tailor approaches to specific needs:

    1. Automated vs. Manual Patching: Automated systems handle routine updates with minimal disruption, while manual patching provides control for sensitive environments.
    2. Phased Rollout vs. On-Demand Patching: Phased rollouts mitigate risks by allowing initial assessments, whereas on-demand patching addresses urgent vulnerabilities.

Optimizing Patch Frequency

Choosing how often to patch involves balancing risk, regulatory compliance, and operational capacity. Effective scheduling aligns with software vendor cycles and organizational workload, ensuring security without overtaxing resources.

Customer Spotlight: A Monthly Patching Schedule with Action1

Chris, an experienced IT administrator, has been using Action1 to streamline patching processes across his organization’s Windows servers and workstations. His detailed strategy, which he shares in blog post, emphasizes meticulous testing and phased deployments, key to ensuring system stability and security.

Key Elements of Chris’s Patching Strategy

    • Workstations: Configured for automated daily patching at 6 AM, his settings prevent reboots to minimize disruptions for users. This includes critical applications like Microsoft Teams, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and Zoom, ensuring they are always up-to-date without impacting user productivity.
    • Servers: His servers undergo a mix of automated and manual patching. Critical updates are applied outside business hours to avoid operational downtime. He closely monitors these updates to immediately address any issues that arise, thus maintaining continuous server availability.
    • Monthly Patching Schedule: Unlike automated tasks, monthly updates are manually approved and include a thorough testing phase. Chris deploys updates initially to lab/dev/qa system endpoints to verify functionality for 24 hours. If no issues arise, he moves on to a pilot group of live sites, including IT department workstations, before a full rollout.
    • Risk Management: To avoid simultaneous disruptions across multiple endpoints, Chris carefully segments the deployment process. He also avoids updating the master domain controller first, opting instead to patch secondary controllers to mitigate risks.

Chris’s approach highlights a balanced and strategic patching regime that not only enhances security but also aligns with organizational needs and minimizes impact on day-to-day operations.


Effective patch management requires more than just following a schedule—it demands strategic planning and a deep understanding of an organization’s unique environment. Action1 facilitates this by offering customizable tools that adapt to various IT needs.

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